Friday, December 16, 2011


So I haven't updated my blog in a while. So my plan is not to come back with a bang, but rather to for the sake of proving that I'm still alive and kicking. So with no further a due, I give you a short collection of my sketchbook work;

This first image is Cake Shark. That is not the actual name, but it fits in my opinion. The story with this is, I drew a shark, he looked happily interested, and i was in the mood for cake. 

This next group of images are from my newly formed Poshtipus collection. This isn't really a step at upper class or anything. Quite simply, my flatmate got a new tattoo of an octopus and I decided to draw one. Insert monocle and mustache, and you have Poshtipus. The tea idea is my mate Michael's idea.

This is, quite simply, Santa.

This final image is the Coca Cola Whale. My mate Keith put it best when he said, it's only a matter of time before they do this. Personally, I wouldn't mind seeing this. I, personally, done see the point in whales. They're big, pointless and tone-def. At least this way, they're useful. And if you don't agree, good for you.

I will do my best to blog more regularly, perhaps posting college work. until then, merry commercial  Christmas everyone. Hah, bumhug

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ive been working on this fella for a while, but never actually got around to finishing him off. i call him puppet, and ill post up instructions for constructing him, as well as measurements, in my next blog.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

a week or so ago i made myself a fisheye lens out of a door peephole, some mounting board and a lot of masking tape. im quite happy with the out-come, and as a result, have been bugging people with it non stop
the quality is quite decent, even if i am a crap photographer

this resulted in me having a few ideas. i already planned on developing the technique i used to do the duck in my last post, so i just went in, guns blazing, and went for it. these are my endeavors thus far
the first one is titled MICK
and the second is a self portrait

i plan on developing this style a bit more, but im in dire need of a wacom tablet if i wish to use it as an illustrative style. but we'll see how that goes, with funds

Friday, February 11, 2011

friday-february 11-8:17

this is my first entry, but i don't really know how to plunge into it, so im going to throw myself at it.

first off, the t-shirt company my friends and i are in the process of beginning is coming close to opening fully. t-shirt printing is beginning soon, and i have reviews of a few of my designs here, both male and female.

all simple designs. as you can see, they're all stenciled. this is due to the fact that all the t-shirts are going to be hand printed. ugh.
ill post up a link to the companies page when we are actually ready make and sell the t-shirts.

in other news, i had a lengthy debate in a costa cafe yesterday with my good friend Keith about how the bad guys in the forth volume of one-piece think they are cats, therefore ridiculing the whole manga. and as my mate Darren pointed out, Luffy is a rubber
anyway. the conversation inspired me to draw something for him. now, i will say this now. this is not fan art. i don't do fan art. im an actual artist. an art student, who works freelance. lets get that clear now

well, thats all i can blog for. im off to college now to sculpt an ex-body builder named Dez